WP: Quick View

With WP: Quick View, we offer you the opportunity to take a direct and simple look at what the category has to offer, without spending minutes searching for what you want. You'll always find WP: Quick View at the top of a category.
If it's not at the top, this feature is not available for the category (yet). - | Only for categories that have a lot of content!

WP: Community Creations

WP: Community Creations is currently still in the planning stages and not yet fully developed. However, it's on the way! With this feature, we'll enable you to immortalize your images as wallpapers with us. - Not available for all categories! But there will be a completely new game where we'll make it possible for you to showcase your thoughts and creations with us.

WP: Archive

With WP: Archive, you can journey into the past of WallpaperHubEU, discovering our oldest wallpapers and exploring everything that is no longer available with us. Features, wallpapers, and pages await your exploration. | This feature is currently limited to our closed beta testers and a select few others.

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